Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Why You Should Accept Gift Cards in 2014 – Being a Successful Merchant

Being a successful merchant is SaleTerminal’s introduction to merchant payment techniques. Each post introduces a new core concept that merchants and store owners should consider when running a successful business. These blog posts are meant for both new and seasoned store owners, and offer a new insight in what it takes to run a business.
 Setting up and accepting gift card payments can be an important revenue stream for small businesses when they first start. Yet, this is one of the most often overlooked forms of electronic payments by new businesses. Here are just a few reasons why you should talk to your merchant account provider about setting up a gift card system.

Increase Your Sales

It’s no mystery that when customers spend the balance on a gift card, they tend to spend more money than was put on the card. Encouraging customers to use gift cards often results in increased average sale order for businesses. This bump to your bottom line can be huge for a new store.

Improve Your Store’s Reach

Gift cards are by definition given as gifts. This is a great way for your current customers to introduce your store or brand to new potential customers. Combined with gift cards that prominently feature your logo, gift cards can become an excellent indirect marketing tool.

Get Paid Upfront For Your Sales

When a customer purchases a gift card, you are paid upfront for the future sale. This puts money in your account before having to deplete your inventory. This increases your equity with a short term interest free liability. Gift cards help improve your cash flow, and not to mention any gift cards that go unredeemed are free money for your business!